Join the Pilot Phase
of Our Revolutionary
Learning Portal

Welcome to the dawn of a new era in educational technology,
where inclusivity, engagement, and innovation meet to transform
the learning experience for children across the spectrum of needs.
We're excited to announce the pilot phase of our groundbreaking
portal, designed with a deep understanding of the unique
challenges and opportunities that come with educating children
with diverse needs.

Where is the pilot?

The pilot phase is an early access program for our
educational portal, offering 1.5 years of free access to
our suite of resources. This phase is crucial for us to
gather insights, feedback, and real-world data on how
our platform can best serve the needs of children,
caregivers, and educators alike.

Why participate?

Participants in our pilot phase will have the unique
opportunity to shape the future of educational content.
Your feedback will directly influence the development of
a platform that aims to revolutionize learning for children
with special needs, as well as those embarking on their
educational journey.

What can you expect?

Access to High-Quality

Explore a curated selection of
materials focusing on daily living
skills, social-emotional learning,
language, and literacy skills. Our
future roadmap includes
expanding to cover numeracy
and vocational skills.

A Community of Like-Minded

Join a community dedicated to
making a difference in the lives
of children. Share experiences,
insights, and feedback to help
us refine and enhance our

A Voice in Development:

Your involvement is not just
valued; it's vital. Share your
thoughts on what works, what
doesn't, and how we can
improve our resources to better
meet the diverse needs of

Got questions? Ask Tiggie!